A memorial to a 15-year-old boy will remain untouched by Oxford’s graffiti cleaners, the city’s cleaning boss has pledged.

Hussain Mohammed died after jumping off Donnington Bridge into the River Thames two weeks ago.

He jumped in with a female friend on Friday, May 25, during the hot weather.

But while she swam to safety, he was pulled out unconscious two hours later and taken to Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital where he died.

Friends and relatives of the Oxford Spires pupil have now painted a tribute wall underneath Donnington Bridge where they have left messages for Hussain.

The wall features around 50 tributes from Hussain’s friends and family as well as candles and other decorations.

On top of the bridge are some 40 bouquets of flowers.

Hussain’s friends had to raise the money themselves to paint the wall.

It took only two days to collect £267, which was more than they needed. The rest will be given to charity in Hussain’s name.

They then spent five days painting the wall white and adding a bike as well as his name and date of birth.

A tribute, which is signed by “The Team”, said: “You will be truly missed and always known for your huge, beautiful smile.

“We will continue to look after your wall whenever we can. The five days of hard work, early mornings and dedication was worth it.”

Meanwhile, “Steph” said: “You are always on my mind, I can’t go a day when I don’t miss you.”

Junaid wrote: “It’s kinda hard with you not around. Know you’re in heaven smiling down watching us while we pray for you.

“Til the day we meet again in my heart is where I keep a friend.”

A Facebook page has also been set up called RIP Hussain Mohammed, on which well-wishers can post messages.

Labour councillor for Littlemore John Tanner, the executive board member for Cleaner, Greener Oxford, and in charge of the city’s cleaning team, said: “I think it is a nice thing to have done and it is very appropriate.

“It is terribly tragic how that young lad died and I think it is entirely fitting his friends should put up a memorial in an out-of-the-way place.”

An inquest into Hussain’s death was opened and adjourned on Monday, May 28.

The coroner’s service is carrying out its investigations and it is expected the hearing into his death will be held in around five months time.