Council plans to sell off part of Oxford’s St Clement’s car park for new student accommodation should be put on hold for detailed study, says a city councillor.

Dick Wolff has used new powers for the first time at Oxford City Council to demand the plans be re-examined.

The number of parking spaces would be cut from 120 to 80 to make room for blocks containing 140 student rooms.

The St Mary’s ward Green councillor said meetings and consultation by the council had only gathered “anecdotal” evidence.

An economic impact assessment study” would instead provide “systematic data”, he said.

He added: “There is widespread concern about the impact of this closure on the economic activity in East Oxford, since many of the businesses are already close to the edge, owing to the current recession.”

He added: “The council itself cannot distance itself from the knock-on effects of its actions.”

It is the first time a “call for action” has been considered by the council’s communities and partnership scrutiny committee.

Clinton Pugh, who owns three restaurants in the area and has campaigned against the student flats plan, welcomed the move.

He said: “The assessment is hugely important, it is critical and the council should have done it in the first place.”

But the council said its ownership of the land could not impact on the “integrity of the planning process”, as it must be impartial. Those with concerns should produce assessments of its impact, a spokesman added.

The scrutiny committee will discuss Mr Wolff’s call at a meeting next Monday at 6pm at Oxford Town Hall, in St Aldate’s.