YOUR front page on Friday just highlights that David ‘Scissors’ Cameron and Co are destroying the once strong goodwill in this country.

Oxford City Council, presumably under pressure from Government policy, has acted disgracefully in deciding that being homeless is, in most cases, the person’s own fault.

Does it not occur to the council that many people are without a job (not by choice) so can’t pay their rent, so get evicted and are thankful for a good dinner once a week?

Instead of leading the way with goodwill gestures, these county and country leaders condemn the willingness of the likes of ‘Ma’ Smith, who, at her own expense, provides a soup kitchen for the street people.

Instead they utter crass statements (‘Ma’ Smith encourages homelessness) that only portray their ignorance about the state of the country.

My recent letter (last Wednesday’s ViewPoints)concerning the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust’s outrageous demand for astronomical rent for the League of Friends’ charity cafe is another prime example of how corporate greed is sadly being adopted by this capitalist Government, instead of using the old, true British grit and good which carried us through two world wars.

It’s that attitude which put the Great in Great Britain.

So are we witnessing its destruction here?

ADRIAN TAYLOR, Thames Street, Eynsham