SIR Roger Bannister will start the British Heart Foundation (BHF) Blenheim Palace Half Marathon.

Sir Roger, pictured, who broke the four-minute mile at Iffley Road running track 58 years ago, will be at the start-line to sound the horn for the 6,000 anticipated participants.

The half marathon will be held on Sunday October 7.

Sir Roger Bannister said: “I’m delighted to support the BHF’s Blenheim Palace Half Marathon and 10km event, as the location, the activity and the cause are all close to my own heart.

“Everyone knows someone affected by heart disease and this event will do a great job to raise funds to help the BHF continue its life-saving and life-changing work.

“I was 25 when I set the record for running a mile in less than four minutes on 6 May.

“Two months later I qualified as a doctor and went on to be a consultant neurologist in London and carried on running in my leisure time.

“It is a few years since I broke a record, so I hope I’ll witness this event having its own record with the number of participants.”

Registration for the half marathon is £5-£23.

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