LOOKING for a way to boost proceeds from a charity Everest climb, Gary Bricknell roped in the ideal guest for a fundraising event – legendary explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes.

The 46-year-old financial adviser has organised a day with the climbing hero at Blenheim Palace, Woodstock on June 22.

It comes two months after he completed a climb up Mount Everest for a good causes fund administered by St James’s Place, a wealth management firm.

Mr Bricknell, a partner in the firm, raised £12,000 and hopes the breakfast event will double this total.

He said he approached the explorer at an event in December and the two agreed to split the proceeds between the foundation and Sir Ranulph’s chosen charity, Seeing is Believing, which tackles avoidable blindness.

The 46-year-old from Overthorpe, Banbury, said: “Sir Ranulph is the ultimate person to do this.

“The 17-day excursion was a lot harder than I thought it would be, I think it’s the altitude sickness.

“It was 60 per cent physical, 40 per cent mental. I had eight days of headaches but brilliant scenery.”

He said a visit to one of the charities helped by the trust, Children of the Himalayas which provides educational, medical and nutritional care, brought home the trip’s importance.

Mr Bricknell said: “There was a little lad who’d been with them six weeks and hadn’t smiled until he saw us bring him a teddy bear.”

Sir Ranulph told the Oxford Mail he applauded the efforts of people such as Mr Bricknell who take on Everest for charity. He said: “That altitude brings out inbuilt deficiences you may never have known you had.”

Burst blood vessels, embolisms and heart attacks can hit first-time climbers, he said.

For tickets call Mr Bricknell on 01295 276500 or email gary.bricknell@sjpp.co.uk