An interesting reply from Ian Cummings (Oxford Mail ViewPoints, February 24), about my opposition to the Government’s Health and Social Care Bill.

While he states he is “no shire Tory”, he would seem to be a fan of Margaret Thatcher, even she stayed clear of the ideas in this Bill that most healthcare workers are totally against.

Thatcher made many disastrous decisions regards privatisation but one policy we are all paying for is her deregulation of the banking system. I think readers will recognise that the banks have caused this latest problem. For example, RBS is the beneficiary of £45bn from the taxpayer, made huge losses, yet the bonuses will be £785m.

Say no more about the fatal privatisation of the railways, ask anyone who travels on it. And we put more subsidy into the railways today than we did in British Rail public sector days.

If Mr Cummings does read my letters, surely he can see I’m no fan of New Labour or Tony Blair. Unfortunately, I voted New Labour in 1997 but never since.

Readers may also find it interesting that the first visitor to No 10 after Blair’s first election victory was his beloved Maggie. When asked her best legacy, she actually replied: “New Labour”. That’s why I dislike all these mainstream politicians, who are money-loving parasites.

Hopefully no “dogma” here and if you want “objective comments”, how about keeping private companies out of our NHS? The likes of Circle, (run by a former Goldman Sachs banker – you couldn’t make it up) and McKinsey’s are there to cherry-pick and make money, not to help the NHS improve.

The NHS may not be perfect but we don’t need Americanisation. Right-wing politicians like Blair, Thatcher and Cameron will always find billions to pay for the bankers, needless nuclear weapons and illegal, immoral wars.

Pensioners and the working people will pay for it through cuts in public services, wages, pensions and benefits.

He reads my letters with “a mixture of surprise, annoyance and baffled amusement” but then I have exactly the same emotions when the working populace has to suffer nasty Tory policy that people like him support.

I can understand bankers and the elite voting for these politicians but why ordinary working people?

TIM W SIRET, Millmoor Crescent, Eynsham