Your report about the proposed move of Kidlington’s police station to the fire station (Tuesday’s Oxford Mail) overlooks one important point.

Kidlington police station is located in a residential area, where it is inconvenient for many people (it is in fact a pair of semi-detached houses that have been converted for police use).

As a result, it is not as well-used as police stations in similar communities. The fire station, however, is located in the centre of Kidlington, close to the shopping centre and other civic amenities.

I do not doubt that the main motivation for the police is cost-saving; also it may well be that a similar solution will not work everywhere.

In the case of Kidlington, however, I would hope that, provided the move is properly planned, relocating the police to the fire station would provide a more convenient service for the majority of residents.

CHRIS ROBINS (Cllr), Foxdown Close, Kidlington