PARKING ticket campaigner David Hulse is urging anyone who believes they were unfairly given a parking ticket after Cherwell District Council introduced new fees last April to contact him.

He is also keen to talk to one motorist, known only as Mr D, who was refused a refund by the Local Government Ombudsman.

Complaints upheld by the Ombudsman led to the council repaying £11,600 to drivers who had been ticketed between April 4 and 13 last year.

Cherwell introduced evening charges and fees for blue badge holders last April.

But the Ombudsman ruled it had not put up enough warning signs.

Mr Hulse, from Grendon Underwood, near Bicester, believes that people who were given a ticket after April 13 may also have a case with the Ombudsman, but warned time was running out to make a complaint. For more information, email Mr Hulse at