Sir - I was encouraged by the efforts of the volunteers during European Car-Free day on September 22. However I was disappointed that Broad Street was still open to traffic. It seemed like a token gesture that only a very small section of this beautiful street was closed to traffic. I am not anti-car and fully accept the ease of use, reliability and freedom which can come from car ownership and use.

However, for these reasons it is easy to be blinded by how much they take over our streets. For the sake of allowing a few cars to park, this space must be designed for cars rather than people.

It does not help with traffic flow as it is not a through road. If anything it adds to congestion with cars circling the city to find spaces. I would like to see access to this public space limited to the same number of disabled spaces as currently exist and with limited access to commercial vehicles.

This would allow space for people to enjoy this street in its full splendour without any of the noise, pollution and interference which is caused by cars.

Think of the great public squares in this world; they are all mostly traffic-free. I understand that some people parking on Broad Street may shop in the Covered Market. However a traffic-free Broad Street would draw many more people, including tourists eager to spend money and drink coffee.

There are already too many car-friendly, but dull, shopping centres; a car-free Broad Street can only enhance Oxford's reputation as a centre of beauty. I look forward to the next European car-free day in which a vision for a city designed primarily for people, rather than cars is presented.

The vision of a caf culture over a car culture for our city can only help us confront our car dependency and reduce congestion for everyone

Philip Swan, Botley