Sir, It is good to see some publicity for the alternative view on parking permits, that "charges are good" (Letters, September 29)."Polluter pays" is now a generally accepted rule for raising money to pay for damage to the environment. It is not unreasonable that those who park their private property in public road space should pay something towards the cost this entails for the whole community, at present borne equally - and unfairly - by non-car-owners and multiple car-owners alike. Of course people resent paying for what was previously free, especially if it does not guarantee a parking space.

But there is already no guaranteed space in many areas of Oxford. If charging for a permit for each car results in reducing unnecessary car ownership, as well as keeping residential areas free from commuter parking, residents may find their parking problems eased, and most importantly, our roads will become safer and more pleasant for cyclists and pedestrians.

CJ Grimley Evans, Secretary, Oxford Pedestrians Association, Oxford