It is not every day that a bar owner invites the police to raid his premises.

But that's exactly what Ronny Carter, of Oxford's G-Bar did on Friday night.

Suspecting many of his customers were under age and had used fake IDs to get served, he closed the doors, turned on the lights and called in the cops.

His fears were founded when police asked those with dodgy IDs to sit down - and only one of the 23 people there remained standing.

Mr Carter did a bold thing, putting principle above profit and sending a clear message that, in his establishment at least, the issue of underage drinking is taken very seriously.

We hope other licensees throughout the city and county show similar courage in applying the law.

But the issue of fake IDs will not be solved by merely embarrassing the people who carry them.

The penalties for lying about your age should be harsher and the websites which peddle these documents should be dealt with too.