BURGLARS have left a trail of destruction in Oxford, with eight businesses in Cowley Road ransacked, a church targeted and a club raided.

Police are urging retailers in East Oxford and Cowley to be vigilant, and keep cash and valuables secure and out of sight, as they continue their investigation into the burglaries.

Damage was caused to the Conservative Club on the corner of James Street and Hurst Street during a break-in on December 11.

Nothing was taken as the till was empty.

Elsewhere, police officers are linking eight burglaries on shops, restaurants and hairdressers in the Cowley Road area and a further burglary at the Oxford Christadelphian Church in Tyndale Road.

Sgt Mike Roddy, of the East Oxford neighbourhood team, said: “We are linking these crimes because of their close proximity to each other and the method used in each one.”

The burglaries at Le Kesh restaurant, Regina’s hairdresser, Indigo fairtrade store, Sprogs shop, La Cucina restaurant, the Foreward shop, Octopus Information in Cave Street and Galley Implants dentists in Marston Road all happened between December 8 and 31.

Sgt Roddy said: “They have been untidy searches and violent entries, by kicking in doors and smashing windows.

“We are now asking people with commercial premises to be secure and safe, and not leave any cash on their premises if they can help it.

“For the shop owners affected it’s not just the damage, but the insurance implications – and the fact is that in these economic times businesses are struggling.

“These are local businesses, not big national ones, so it is affecting local business.”

Cash, cards, alcohol, electrical items and hair products were among items stolen in the burglaries.

Anyone with information should call Sgt Roddy on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

  • Michael Hart Leslie, 29, has been charged with burglary over the Conservative club break-in. He is due to appear before Oxford magistrates next Friday.

A man from the East Oxford area has also been arrested on suspicion of burglary and released on police bail pending further inquiries.