GRANDMOTHER Ann Powles, who died after falling into the River Cherwell with her dog, was much loved by her family.

But the mother-of-four’s tragic death in North Oxford just over a year ago also touched pensioners who meet every month for lunch in Cutteslowe.

Mrs Powles cooked the lunches for about 30 elderly people who meet at the Cutteslowe Community Centre, in Wren Road.

Since the 74-year-old’s death, organisers of the lunches have been unable to find a permanent replacement and are warning that the tradition may have to end unless they find a new cook.

Pippa Dawson-Goodey, a help coordinator for the North Oxford Association, said some meals last year were provided by publishing firm Elsevier.

She added: “The staff from Elsevier in Kidlington put on a few lunches and have been very kind as part of the charity work their staff do.

“But we have not been able to replace Mrs Powles, who was a wonderful cook.

“We don’t have anyone to do our lunches from the end of March, so they might have to end. We don’t want that to happen, because they give elderly people in the area the chance to get out of their houses and socialise.

“If someone would volunteer to take over from Ann, that would be a lovely way of keeping her memory alive.”

This month’s lunch was held at Cutteslowe Pavilion, in Cutteslowe Park, yesterday.

Mrs Powles, of Hobson Road, Summertown, was found in the Cherwell near the Sunnymead Recreation Ground on December 22, 2010.

A widow since 1974, Mrs Powles moved to Oxford in 2003 to be close to her grandchildren.

She was well known for her community work and her work for St Michael and All Angels Church in Summertown, raising £1,000 for church funds.

* Anyone who wants to volunteer to cook the monthly lunch should call the North Oxford Association on 01865 552295.