Chilling words... “We are just scratching the surface at the moment.”

But so says Carol Quainton, Oxford City Council’s investigations manager on the disturbing issue of council house fraudsters who let out their homes for profit.

Easy to understand then why Housing Minister Grant Shapps’ announcement that sub-letting a council home should become a criminal offence has been so warmly received.

Remember, council houses exist to offer housing to those who cannot afford renting at the market rate – an average weekly council rent for a three-bedroom house is £85.62 compared to about £290 privately.

The manipulative, cynical and exploitative attitude of those who do sub-let their council homes is nothing short of sickening.

There are currently 6,000 people on the housing waiting list but just 600 social housing properties become available in the city each year.

Which means genuinely needy families who dream of renting a real home without fear of being scammed by dodgy landlords are now seeing their hopes further dashed.

But that’s not all; such so-called tenants are more than likely claiming benefits too as if living in the property when in fact they’re living nicely off its rental.

Housing is a massive problem in this city and the avarice of these few callous individuals must be properly brought before the courts.