I WOULD like to pass on my gratitude and thanks to the EAU (Emergency Assessment Unit) at The John Radcliffe Hospital, to which I was admitted on Christmas night.

My son had to call an ambulance (which arrived very quickly also) after I experienced severe breathing difficulties.

I was admitted to the EAU and cannot fault their care from the moment I was admitted to when I was discharged two days later.

The staff are obviously under a terrific amount of pressure but they acted with professionalism and kindness to what was a very stressful and upsetting time for me.

From the doctors to the nurses, auxiliary staff, porters and housekeeping, everyone worked during a very busy admission period to ensure that the care was 100 per cent for every patient.

I was alarmed to see that some patients and their relatives were extremely rude for the most minor of problems.

One lady could not get a signal on her mobile phone and was swearing and gesturing to a young nurse that she needed to sort it out.

The nurse patiently explained that it was a bad signal area and tried to placate the patient, but with little success.

The elderly lady in the next bed to me was very upset as her daughter was “too busy” to come and see her.

Both the doctor in charge of her care and a nurse and auxiliary took time to reassure her and calm her. They clearly did not have enough time to do this but took time out to ensure that she was as comfortable as possible. I was very moved by this.

We read so many negative comments about the John Radcliffe but I feel extremely lucky in my instance that I was able to be cared for so well.

SORREL AYRES Bracegirdle Road Oxford