THE Conservative-controlled county council is reviving its plan to charge residents for parking in East Oxford.

It plans to consult in January on the old schemes, with only very minor modifications. The council has £257,000 to spend arising from the Old Road university development.

It estimates the cost of the three new Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) at about £290,000.

Back in 2010 there was a majority of public support for CPZs in the Divinity Road area and west of Magdalen Road, but most people east of Magdalen Road opposed a CPZ.

Residents in Iffley Fields itself will not have a CPZ. They fought a strong campaign against residents’ parking two years ago.

If the CPZ goes ahead east of Magdalen Road it will mean: 1. Up to two cars per household and £50 a year for each car to park; 2. 25 free visitors’ permits a year per adult plus 25 more costing £16; 3. Still no guaranteed parking space but probably slightly more space than now; 4. More parking on pavements (to allow fire engines to pass); 5. Extra parking pressure on streets just outside the zone.

We urge everyone in East Oxford to take part in the consultation and give their views. We will do our best to represent the majority opinion in Iffley Fields ward.

JOHN TANNER County Councillor for Isis Division RICHARD TARVER Labour candidate for 2012 City elections