CREATIVE solutions to persuade Oxfordshire fashionistas to recycle their dresses, handbags and shoes will be on display at an innovative craft event.

Oxfordshire Waste Partnership has teamed up with charities, students and seamstresses to put on the day-long “Re-fashion” festival at Oxford Town Hall, showcasing stylish ways to reinvent old clothes.

Seamstresses will be on hand to help teach crafty new ways to customise unloved or ill-fitting clothes at the event on January 19. Charities with shops in the city will be taking part in a glamorous fashion show with a river and punting theme.

Sarah Offill, of Helen and Douglas House hospices in East Oxford, said: “All of our shops act as recycling hubs for the local area and it’s great for us to provide that service in the community.”

Oxfordshire Waste Partnership spokesman Paul Mocroft said: “We’ll have a crafting area and seamstresses teaching people really basic things.

“We’ll also be showing people how to make sock monkeys out of their old socks.”

There will also be a chance to swap old clothes.