THE first step in a major redevelopment of Oxford & Cherwell Valley College’s Banbury site looks set to be approved.

Cherwell District Council’s planning committee will be asked to approve plans for an extension and new building at the Broughton Road site.

A three-storey extension to an existing block would provide a media studies centre, while a new single-storey building would provide a car workshop.

The layout of the car park would also be changed.

It is part of a project for the college to move to the south side of Broughton Road, vacating its site on the north side, which would be sold for about 110 homes.

The college got permission in 2007 for a complete rebuild on the southern side but is now planning in phases because of a shortage of funding.

A £3.4m refurbishment of the art and design building took place this year and the next phase would provide a new building between the media block and workshop.

A theatre building would then be built at the front of the site.

Seven residents raised concerns including lighting, highway safety, the size of the development and use of Berrymoor Road for access, though this proposal has now been scrapped.

Council planning officer Jane Dunkin said the plan “enhances educational facilities within Banbury” and road bosses were happy about its impact on traffic. The meeting, at Bodicote House, Bodicote, tomorrow at 4pm, is open to the public.