I must reply to Tony Brett's letter, Target the pimps (Oxford Mail, September 21).

I can only assume, from his attitude to prostitutes, that he doesn't live in East Oxford.

My neighbours and I have been campaigning to the police and the city council for these women to be dealt with. I would like to point out a few reasons as to why we, as a neighbourhood, felt we had to take these actions.

For 24 hours a day, seven days a week, these women walk up and down past my house stopping men and even women touting for business. When they are successful, they take their clients into alleyways between people's houses.

They then leave used condoms for residents, including children, to pick up. As Howard Street is a family area, I don't wish children to be exposed to this sort of behaviour.

East Oxford already has a drug problem and we don't wish to encourage it even more by allowing this sort of thing. I would also like to point out to Mr Brett that these women have to be arrested and convicted before an Asbo is served.

Each time they are arrested, they are offered help, counselling and rehab by the police, but the majority of them turn it down. If Mr Brett feels so strongly that these women should be treated with kid gloves, maybe we can point them in his direction so he can have them on his doorstep all hours of the day and night.

LINDA ELMS and family Howard Street Oxford