A PUPPY may have to have his leg amputated after he was apparently thrown from the top of a multi-story car park.

Eighteen-month-old lurcher Ragga’s leg was fractured after plunging 50ft from the top of Oxford’s Westgate car park.

Witnesses told police they saw Ragga falling through the air.

Owner Jenny Brierley, 21, who lives on a narrowboat in Oxford, alerted dog wardens after Ragga went missing after she moored her boat in the city centre.

But she was shocked to get a call from the RSPCA to say shoppers reported her dog being thrown from the car park’s roof.

Miss Brierley said: “I was absolutely devastated when I heard.

“I went to pick him up from the vet, and while I was in the car park I could still hear him whining. It was awful.

“He’s been so shaken up but he’s happy to be back here now.”

Ragga’s leg was fractured above the ankle, leaving vets with two treatment options: to amputate the leg or to insert pins to hold it together.

Miss Brierley, a single mother, said: “He’s so close to my son, Aerron Karma, they sleep in the same bed every night and he won’t sleep in another bed without him. He’s the best dog I’ve ever had.

“I can’t understand what goes through someone’s head to do something like that. What a horrible person.”

The RSPCA has launched an investigation and is appealing for anyone who witnessed what happened, at about 6pm on Thursday, October 6, to come forward.

Spokesman Calie Rydings said: “If somebody did throw an innocent animal off the top of a four-storey car park it would be an absolutely cruel and horrific thing to do which would be guaranteed to cause that animal a lot of pain. The witnesses who saw the dog coming off the fourth-floor of the multi-storey car park didn’t actually see someone throw the dog over. But, from the way the dog came through the air, it looked like it was more likely to have been thrown than jumped.”

She urged anyone who saw what happened to call the RSPCA in confidence.

If prosecuted, the perpetrator could face up to six months in prison and a fine of up to £50,000.

Thames Valley Police spokesman Lucy Billen said: “We had a report that a dog was falling. They did not see it pushed but the witnesses believed it was thrown from four storeys up.

“Officers were sent to the scene and took the dog to Bartholomew Vets in Iffley Road.”

Ragga fell to the floor on the Norfolk Street side of the car park. The RSPCA paid for his initial treatment and the Dogs Trust will pay for his operation.

Call the RSPCA on 0300 1234999 if you have information.