RE Big Society and youth clubs, councillor Mallon is being optimistic when he claims Big Society funding will ensure the future of those youth clubs that were hit by county council cuts (Oxford Mail, October 14).

The Big Society funding is a one-off grant and the acid test for many of the clubs is whether they have a long term future – will they still be operating in three or five years’ time?

The Wood Farm youth centre was pleased to receive Big Society grant of £6,000 but are under no illusions about the struggle we face to sustain the centre.

We need to raise £12,000 a year to cover the staff and running costs of the centre and deliver 50 per cent of the youth work sessions we provided before the cuts.

Raising this funding year on year – in a low income community during the worst recession for decades – will be a daunting task for our trustees and volunteers. My hunch is that some youth clubs may not be around in few years’ time. There are limits to self-help.

RICHARD BRYANT Trustee Wood Farm Youth Centre