Well now we have heard it all. Our poor hard-done-by MPs are having to see the Parliament doctor because they are suffering stress due to difficulties with expenses and this was contributing to poor mental well-being.

So how on earth do these MPs think the ordinary working taxpayer feels? We can earn more than £1,000 a month but once all the bills are paid and some put by for shopping and running the car, most people don’t save much at all. So I say to these big-earning MPs – or should I just say MPs, because they don’t earn the mega-bucks they get each year – if anybody should see a doctor for having a stressful life, it should be the ordinary, struggling taxpayer, but we live with it every day.

So all I can say to these MPs is learn to live with it, the same as we do.

P HOWARD Brome Place Barton Estate Headington Oxford