I just wanted to write to express my disgust with the state of the pavements in East Oxford.

Typically the streets are dirtiest around pubs. I’m assuming it is the huge volume of students that seem to be having trouble keeping their drinks down and manners in check. Don’t even get me started on those individuals who like to leave behind their beer cans, bottles and rubbish after a ‘public’ drinking/swearing session in Ss Mary and John churchyard, a beautiful, quiet place that is meant to be for our local community to enjoy.

Why should I have to wade through other people’s rubbish every day? I also begrudge having to cover my child’s ears when the ‘drinkers’ are so wasted that their language becomes extremely offensive. I can’t even say “oh well, that’s a one-off”, because these things are happening regularly and I’m really fed up with it. Where are our Pcsos who are meant to be enforcing the rules?

Cowley Road is not a pretty sight right now and it’s a crying shame if we let our community suffer at the hands of those who really don’t care about it. You may have come here to study but please spare a thought for the people already living in this community.

I walk my three-year-old to school every morning along Cowley Road and you really have to watch where you are walking.

This morning, for example, we had to avoid not only the vomit stains, rubbish and food dropped on the ground but also three lots of dog poo. Is it the responsibility of the drinking establishments or the council to clean this mess up and keep on top of keeping it clean?

I dread to think what visitors to the area must think, we should hang our heads in shame.

AMANDA ROGERS Cowley Road resident