What was your first job and what did your responsibilities include?

I was an auctioneer selling cattle, sheep and produce in livestock markets in Herefordshire and the Welsh borders in 1987.

How much was in your first pay packet and what did you spend it on?

I think it was about £50 a week. I would like to say I spent it on fast cars and women, but sadly not!

Describe how you career developed to the present day.

After studying for a degree in land management at the Royal Agricultural College, I joined Carter Jonas in 1991 at Marlborough as an assistant land agent, moving to Oxford in 1995. I switched from the rural to residential division in 1999 and have been busy selling houses ever since. I have been very lucky to have been able to spend my career at Carter Jonas, progressing from graduate to equity partner and head of the Oxford office.

What are the key responsibilities in your position?

I have three principle areas of responsibility — residential sales and lettings in Oxford, the running and growth of the Oxford office and at board level, overseeing the firm’s residential lettings division across its 30 offices.

Describe a typical day Every day is different and you never know how it may unfold. I like to start at 8.30am with a team meeting to review our clients and their properties on a case by case basis. Then there is a quick trot through a series of internal and external meetings with prospective and existing clients as well as departmental heads. The day always ends with me trying to catch up on telephone calls and e-mails to ensure negotiations are kept moving.

Who/what have been the biggest influences on your career?

I will miss Graham Candy, a fellow partner, when he retires next year. He has been a tremendous influence in so many ways and not just for persuading to me leave Marlborough and to come to Oxford and making me stay when rivals tried to lure me away. He is always positive and smiling with never a bad word to say. Thankfully, though, he no longer refers to me as ‘the young boy.’ What has been your best decision?

Going to the Royal Agricultural College. I met my future wife on my first day — and my college tutor told me Carter Jonas was the job offer I should accept.

And your worst?

Trusting people when your best instincts tell you that you should know better, but you think you should give them a chance.

What is the best advice you can give to someone starting out in your business?

The work experience I undertook both before and during my degree was by far the best investment I ever made in my career — those contacts, people and life experiences were crucial to my subsequent successes.

What is the secret of good management?

Remember to listen and and always say thank you or to acknowledge a job well done.

Do you have a good work/life balance?

Most of the time. I have a lot of flexibility in managing my diary and I always try to see my children in the morning or before they go to bed. But the nature of my work is that the Blackberry is never switched off.

What hobbies/interests do you enjoy in your spare time?

With two sports-mad boys aged 11 and nine, a lot of my free time is spent on the touchline of rugby and football pitches. Aside from that I enjoy spending time in the countryside and skiing.

Is there anything in business that really irritates you?

A lack of honesty and integrity with some of those we are required to deal with. It is painful to occasionally see the ramifications on your clients of individuals who lack the moral code that you think would run through us all.

How do you see your company developing over the next five years?

We have ambitious growth plans and wish to remain a partnership. Locally, the new office premises in Summertown provide the space to allow our numbers to grow from 45 partners and staff to more than 70. Nationally, we are keen to open more offices in the M40, M4 and M3 corridors as well opening extra offices in high value areas of central London.

What has been your most satisfying moment?

While a successful deal is always satisfying, more so is seeing your staff grow and develop.

Do you believe there is enough help and support from government and agencies for growing businesses?

Flexible, understanding and committed banks is the one area the Government needs to ensure it keeps at the top of its agenda for business.

What is your attitude to the environment and do you have any green policies in place?

Carter Jonas has adopted a number of green policies and took the decision to link all its offices with video conference facilities. These have drastically cut travel requirements.

What is the secret of a happy workforce?

In many respects the same as good management. I hope I will be remembered for striking a positive balance between commitment and discipline while ensuring the office remains a place for humour and laughter.

Is there any other job you would like to have done and why?

Having grown up on a farm I could very happily have continued through life as a farmer, but my desire to achieve more took over.

What would you like to do when you retire?

Winter in the Alps and summer on the English coast. What more could anyone ask for? ib