IT started in earnest as we dug in for victory during the Second World War but now there seems to be as much demand as ever for allotments.

And when you look at the latest inflation figures – 5.2 per cent on the Consumer Price Index – you can perhaps understand why for so many people it makes sense.

Food prices are one of the main drivers of the CPI so growing your own is a way to tighten the belt in these challenging times.

It would appear plenty of 20 and 30-somethings are taking up their hoes and trowels for that reason.

Not only does it help with healthy eating but there is also the benefit of exercise.

Look at the tireless work of Reg Curnock over the past 40 years.

He says without his allotment he would just be sitting inside watching telly. But his treasured patch of earth produces so much that he is delivering veg to his family every week.

And it has led to a well-deserved award for the best allotment in Oxford. Now that is pleasant produce from his garden.