New resident artists at Modern Art Oxford hope their stay will “break down the divide” between the art and the viewer.

Brook and Black – Tiffany Black, from Oxford, and Leora Brook, from London – are spending two weeks using the Pembroke Street gallery’s project space as their studio.

And as part of their residency, the two artists will be on hand to talk to members of the public about their work, their inspirations, and the process they go through to create art.

Ms Brook said: “In the past much of our work has been responding specifically to a certain site – this will be a chance to develop our work in a way that no longer does this.

“It also helps break down the divide between the art gallery, the art, the artist and the public. People can come in and see it happening.”

So far the work in progress is a cardboard structure which holds ‘memories’ of different buildings where the pair have lived, worked and exhibited.

Ms Brook said: “It’s like an imaginary place in our heads that we have created, with lots of ambiguous windows and doors.”

As well as sculpture, the pair anticipate using photography, printmaking, drawing, light and sound. Images will be projected on to the structure.

Part of the residency will include an open forum today called Art in Public Spaces.

For more information, including times when the artists will be talking about their work, visit