I read with interest, and a certain degree of irritation, your articles in (Oxford Mail), October 10, which relate to the improvements proposed for the Oxford ring road.

Living north of Oxford, I, like hundreds of others, have to endure the serious congestion that occurs at both the Wolvercote and Cutteslowe roundabouts on a daily basis.

The various consequences of this situation are obvious, but one I would like to emphasise is the amount of traffic now using back roads, as drivers with local knowledge attempt to avoid almost certain delays.

I approve of the action taken by the county council on road improvements, and fully appreciate the current financial restraints, together with the fact that Heyford Hill was part-funded by Sainsbury’s.

But I feel that those of us who are forced to endure the perennial congestion at the aforementioned roundabouts are entitled to know how much longer we have to suffer before remedial action is forthcoming.

I feel very strongly that the north west Oxford area has not been given the priority it deserves when road improvement schemes are considered.

COLYN LODGE, Foxdown Close, Kidlington