IT’S provided mirth and joy to thousands of residents and even helped performers find love.

Now, after 50 years of treading the boards to the delight of townsfolk, Banbury Operatic Society will celebrate its golden anniversary with its latest production.

The company – which specialises in light opera – will stage Iolanthe by Gilbert and Sullivan.

The political satire will be at the society’s lifelong home of Wykham Hall, Banbury School on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday.

Among performers will be 66-year-old Jenny Tustian, who helped set up the society at the former Easington School for Girls, now part of Banbury School.

It put on Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Pirates of Penzance in 1961 and has not looked back since.

Mrs Tustian, set to play fairy Celia in the latest production, said: “I probably didn’t think I would be doing it 50 years later but it grabs you and you are part of it.

“It is a life, it is fabulous. I had four children and my release valve was the music. It is the joy of being an extrovert on stage. I have made permanent, wonderful friends who go back many, many years.”

Mrs Tustian’s long service means she has played young farm girl Laurey Williams and later her Aunt Eller in Oklahoma!

Other society productions have included South Pacific, Sweet Charity, The King & I and Hairspray.

Adrian Hearn, who joined for the first production, said: “It is about companionship, the fun and making mistakes. You learn dancing, co-ordination, movement and a certain amount of acting.”

Wedding bells have even been rung thanks to the society.

Louisa Talbott, 37, who joined in 2004, met her husband-to-be when they worked on The Boyfriend after he joined in 2009. They wed last month.

And Stephen Jakeman, 69, met wife Clare, 64, at the society in 1971, marrying the following year.

Mr Jakeman said: “I think it was HMS Pinafore. I was in the stage crew and she was in the chorus.

“I have very happy memories of it. There have been so many shows but this is my last. I am getting too old.”

The society’s next show will be Disney’s Beauty & The Beast in February. Auditions will be held on November 20.

For Iolanthe tickets, call 01295 271414.