OXFORD Community Against Trafficking (OXCAT) was founded by a former high-class escort, a trainee vicar and ordinary men and women worried about modern slavery in the city.

The group campaigns against all forms of human trafficking – including sexual exploitation, domestic slavery and forced labour.

Owen Gallacher, of OXCAT, explained: “I’m a regular guy and I’ve never had first-hand experience of trafficking, but I heard about the issue through a friend involved with the group through the local church.

“I realised I had to spend some of my time, effort and resource to do something.

“People can help by opening their eyes to what is happening in their community – if they see young female foreign nationals being driven around by older men, perhaps coming and going at odd times, a steady stream of male visitors to a property, teenage girls who rarely come out of the house and look unhappy – these are all tell- tale signs.”

Esther Davidson, of OXCAT, said that Eastern European countries such as Romania, Poland and Moldova were easy prey for large organised criminal trafficking operations and opportunistic individuals looking to make money. She said: “The girls are so desperate to get out.

“Often it’s a family member who lures them – it’s typical for a boyfriend or uncle to say ‘I’ve found work for you abroad’.”