A NEW scheme in Oxford is helping stressed residents and citybound teenagers get back to basics with nature.

The Nature Effect, based on Cowley Road, aims to reconnect people with the outdoors through a series of projects and workshops.

The founders claim just getting people outside more has benefits for health and mental wellbeing.

Co-founder Liz Bickley said: “This is all about connecting people of all ages with nature.

“Our experiences have found that people find going outdoors really valuable, but sometimes they need a bit of inspiration before they try something new.

“Everybody’s lives are so busy and dominated by electronic devices now.

“We’re losing touch with the seasons and the natural world, but we all know going outside helps with emotional stability and wellbeing.”

The not-for-profit company held a special launch event at Barracks Lane Community Garden off Cowley Road this weekend.

Amongst their work, the women are especially hoping to reach the difficult 16 to 19 age group.

Mrs Bickley said: “We know that is a difficult age group to reach and get outside, but we’ll be running camping trips and getting involved with the schools.

“It’s just about motivating everyone to get outside and get their hands dirty.”

The company will be running day retreats, or “switch off your phone” days for the teenagers.

Fellow founder Annie Davy said one of the company’s aims was combating ‘nature-deficit disorder’.

She said: “It’s not an actual medical condition but something all of us feel when we’re living hectic lives and sitting in an office all day."

“It gives people a real ‘ah ha’ moment when they realise why they’ve been feeling so down.”

For more information visit thenature effect.co.uk