FUN GIRLS. Delightful name. Whimsical almost. Conjures up certain images. But what a dark world of trafficking young women for sex it concealed, exposed with the prosecution of pimps Anastassios Papas and Graham Cochrane.

Yesterday a demonstration was held to shine a light on this evil, vile trade.

You may have your own thoughts about whether a ‘flashmob’ was the most appropriate form, but we really must confront this dark secret because it relies on people’s wilful ignorance to survive.

Whatever your views on the morality of prostitution, there is a world of difference between women who make the conscious decision to sell themselves and those who are taken from their home countries with the promise of a better life and condemned to the most degrading slavery.

It is kidnapping, pure and simple.

Read our special report today and think of the plight of the young girl called ‘Lucy’, who is almost certainly Eastern European.

It is because of one punter’s decision not to turn a blind eye that Cochrane and Papas were brought to justice.

It is only by all of us being vigilant and morally responsible that we might be able to cut the shackles that bind these unfortunate victims.