IT was necessary to renew the electricity cables in our road and a gang of about seven or eight men turned up to do the work.

Imagine our surprise when it was discovered at least five of them were from the Philippines. On questioning this, we were told it was nearly impossible to recruit electricians in this country – and this on the day when it was announced that unemployment was going up and up. This fact merely emphasised the fact Brookes University was of far more importance to this county when it was a technical college turning out electricians and carpenters instead of turning out graduates with obscure degrees which are of no use to God nor man.

It also confirms the fact Tony Blair did so much damage to this country when he declared apprenticeships were of far less value than a degree. Fortunately, it has now been realised that such apprenticeships were of great value, not only to the boys and girls themselves but also to the community. However, many firms are unable to support this idea because of the recession.

And why on earth are nurses being encouraged to do degree courses? No wonder nurses now consider it beneath them to do the general dogsbody work that nursing entails. And how does a degree promise a caring attitude – the bedrock of all nursing?

Again, with police, they are being encouraged to do a degree. People want policemen who have knowledge of life on the streets with good practical experience, not some airy-fairy ideas put forward by people with very limited knowledge.

I remember Harold Wilson saying that he wanted more graduates to be policemen and I am sure that this was the moment when the standard of policing started to fall.

On top of all this poor action by politicians of all parties, we have unnecessary and counter-productive rules imposed by the EU, an organisation that has caused so much damage to this beautiful little country.

Mrs BERYL LANE Westminster Way Botley