THIEVES broke into a string of parked cars in East Oxford and Headington.

The spate of break-ins and attempted break-ins included five vehicles parked in streets near Cowley Road and seven in Cheney Lane, Headington.

A laptop and two mobile phone chargers were stolen from a Fiat Punto parked in Bartlemas Road some time between September 27 and 29.

Thieves also stole a briefcase containing work documents and a mobile phone charger from a Vauxhall Corsa in Marston Street at 3.30am on October 3.

Two white men, both in their 20s and taller than average, were seen running away.

A Ford Fiesta in Bullingdon Road was broken into overnight on October 6-7, although nothing was taken. Then on October 13, a man in Temple Road was woken by a noise at 4.38am and saw two men in his car, who ran off when disturbed, taking a car radio fascia.

Thieves then stole a mobile phone charger and one black leather boot from a Peugeot 207 parked in Randolph Street between 7.30pm on October 10 and 7.30am on October 13.

Seven cars were also broken into or damaged in Cheney Lane, Headington, overnight on October 6-7. A sat nav was stolen from a Vauxhall Corsa; CDs were taken from a Vauxhall Corsa; a car stereo and sat nav charger were stolen from a Fiat Punto; and a car stereo and speakers from a Rover Metro. A Ford Fusion and Ford Fiesta were both broken into, but nothing was taken. A VW Polo was stolen from Warneford Lane and found on the morning of October 7 in Cheney Lane.

Det Sgt Richard Pickering, of the Auto Crime Team in Oxford CID, said: “If you saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area at these times, or if you have been offered any of the stolen items for sale, contact me on 08458 505505.”