A WOMAN was stabbed in the back of the leg as she shopped at Templars Square in Cowley yesterday.

A teenage suspect was shot by police with a taser gun on the shopping centre roof half an hour after the victim was attacked.

The 44-year-old woman was last night being treated at Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital for knife wounds to her upper leg.

The injuries are not thought to be life-threatening.

She was attacked at the B&M discount homeware store at about 2.20pm.

Sales assistant Anthony Gardner, who works at the Savers shop next door, said: “First a woman came in here and said to me ‘a woman has been stabbed’ then I saw the victim sitting on the bench holding her side or leg.

“The people from B&M came in and said we should lock our upstairs door so no-one could get in. Five minutes later someone came in and said a man had been tasered.”

A police spokesman said the suspect was confronted by police on the roof at 2.50pm.

Blood stains could be seen on the floor of the shop afterpolice officers closed it up to preserve the crime scene.

At the back of the shop police tape cordoned off the fire exit.

Another Templars Square shop worker, who did not want to be named, said he saw staff and customers gathered outside B&M.

He said: “Staff at Boswells cafe were asked for a glass of water for the victim.”

Isaac Owusu, of Megan’s Hairdressing, Accessories and Footwear, said: “We saw a man standing outside here and then the police chased him on to the roof.

“I saw one police lady and two policemen.”

A 19-year-old arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm was last night in police custody being questioned over the attack.

Anyone with any information should call Oxford CID on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.
