l I don’t have a pension. I don’t work in a sector where I’m likely to get one any time soon. And I wholeheartedly support everybody planning to take strike action on November 30.

People in the public sector are being attacked on so many fronts. Over the past year, thousands of workers, mostly women, have lost their jobs or had their hours dramatically cut. The young have been hit hard – cut out of college education by the scrapping of EMA, outpriced from university education and now unemployed in the millions.

Those who are in jobs have seen the greatest insult – Government pension plans will force everyone in the public sector to work longer, pay more and receive less.

Can it be right that a PE teacher will still be out teaching rugby at the age of 66? In net terms, public sector workers will lose the equivalent of a day’s wages every month. Nothing about this is fair.

Tory politicians have said taxpayers don’t want our money spent on public sector pensions. Well, I do. In fact, I only want my taxes spent on fair pensions, job creation, free education and decent healthcare. Instead, the Government is haemorrhaging cash on illegal wars and dirty deals.

LEV TAYLOR, Wootten Drive, Oxford