BRITAIN’S Office of Communications, known as OfCom, has decided to take Press TV off air in the UK by having it deleted from programmes broadcast on Murdoch’s monopoly UK satellite broadcasts, citing administrative problems in Press TV’s application.

Press TV is an Iranian-owned 24-hours news programme broadcast in English and clearly it hasn’t been banned for technical reasons. Instead, it’s a deliberate act of censorship by the Conservative Government.

I have deep suspicions that Iran will be attacked and invaded this year in the same manner as Iraq in 2003 on totally false pretences, as should be revealed by the Chilcot Inquiry shortly.

Any regular listeners to the BBC, ITV or Sky could be forgiven for thinking that Iran actually has a nuclear weapons programme despite the fact that the International Atomic Energy Agency has found no such evidence. In the last few days we have had accusations by the USA that Iran was involved in a plot to kill a Saudi Ambassador.The only link appears to be that an American born in Iran and living in the USA for over 15 years was involved, no links to the Iranian Government whatsoever.

I really object to our Government carrying out blatant censorship in this manner. I would like to decide for myself what is suitable listening. For those interested, Press TV can still be heard in the UK on the Hotbird Satellite, an alternative to Sky, but your dish would need to be repositioned or a motorised dish used.

R LEE, Burford Road, Witney