RE: Thursday, October 6’s, pictures of Abingdon shopping centre, what a big improvement, scrapping the shops’ covers so we can now get soaking wet when we do our shopping.

More seats to sit on so we can have more youngsters dropping their half-eaten chips and wrappings on the ground and mums with their youngsters dropping their half-eaten cream buns on the ground. The bins are placed two metres away, far too much effort for today’s generation to get to and there is a nice surface for bikers to bike on, weaving round shoppers who have to dive out of the way or get knocked down.

I thought I had seen it all until last week when a grown man came weaving his way up the High Street on the path, biking with a bike that was towing a large cart with a child in it and a young girl on a bike trying to keep up behind it. Then they biked through the shopping precinct making shoppers dive out of the way.

Poor old Abingdon, with antics like this I can’t see much hope for its shoppers.

D A BOND, Windrush Way, Abingdon