Love him or hate him, Keith Mitchell appears to be completely out of touch (see Comment: ‘Wind it down a bit’ Oxford Mail, October 8).

When he accuses library campaigners of being lefties, Greens, liberals and luvvies, has he not noticed that the weight of the library cuts will fall on rural libraries in the Tory heartlands?

This is where the protests are coming from. Is he not aware of the hostile reaction to the council’s plans expressed at public meetings across rural Oxfordshire? County, district and parish councillors are among those voicing disquiet.

I’d like to clear up his accusation that library campaigners want to rob the adult care budget to pay for libraries. This is not what we are asking for, nor would it be a consequence of our demands.

Those who care about libraries have been trying to work with the council to find ways of making savings to the library service. To stress the point, we’re working within the budget set by OCC. The adult care budget is entirely separate from the library budget and library campaigners do not intend to encroach on it.

In trying to set one group against another, perhaps Cllr Mitchell aims to divert attention away from savings that could be made closer to home – in the council itself and in improving the way services are delivered. Savings of some £336,000 are planned in the library budget.

Staff reorganisation and the introduction of self-service machines have already achieved some savings. Much more could be saved by reductions in middle management in County Hall and sharing services with neighbouring councils?

My guess is Cllr Mitchell hopes his tactics will cover up weaknesses in the council’s proposal for the future of Oxfordshire libraries.

ALEX BUHAGIAR High Street Whitchurch-on-Thames