According to Wikipedia a Googlewhack is “a contest for finding a Google search query consisting of exactly two words without quotation marks, that returns exactly one hit”. Except that it wasn’t two words and was in quotation marks, I had myself such a one-hit wonder with “Out in space it’s always 1982”.

I wanted to see if an Internet user could help explain this in conjunction with the line that follows: “The joke we always knew.”

They are lyrics from a wonderful song by David Bowie, Slip Away, from the album Heathen, that had been going round in my head for days. Why a joke?

In fact I had the quotation wrong. It was “down in space” not ‘out’. I had many more Google hits with it right but no good answer.

Still, the search led me to an amazing live version of Slip Away on YouTube. Bob Dylan apart, the genius Bowie has given me more musical delight than anyone else. A true one-off.