David Cameron got in the driving seat on Wednesday for the first time in more than a year - steering the 2,000,000th new Mini off the production line in Oxford.

The Prime Minister was given the honour at the plant in Cowley where the new-look Minis have been manufactured since 2001.

Speaking before getting behind the steering wheel, Mr Cameron, MP for nearby Witney, said: "There are lots of great things you get to do as Prime Minister, but one of those things you don't get to do is drive a car.

"For over a year now, I haven't driven a car, so I can't tell you what pleasure it's going to give me to get into the 2,000,000th Mini."

Mr Cameron drove the car on to the assembly area floor where staff were waiting, having first slightly overshot the corner, causing him to have to reverse to complete the manoeuvre.