THE Transport Secretary, Philip Hammond, is offering the franchise to run local Rail services now that First Great Western has given up its franchise early to avoid paying between £800m and £1.1bn to the taxpayer as part of the deal for being granted that franchise.

FGW was able to do that because of the last Labour Government, who allowed the insertion of a break clause.

As part of their fare structure, FGW collected that money from the travelling public over the years of the franchise, as well as considerable subsidy from the fall-guy, the taxpayer.

Presumably that money has either been dished out to laughing FGW shareholders.

FGW believes it is in the prime position to win the new franchise despite its appalling record for overcrowding.

One can only hope that Hammond is not as stupid as Gordon Brown, or that someone else comes along with a decent offer which would leave FGW as a train operator with no franchise.

Unfortunately, British Railways, yes it still exists as BRB (Residuary) Ltd as a nationalised body, is excluded from the bidding.

DAVID BUCKWELL Wytham Close Eynsham