I LIVE with my partner Gail Morgan and nine-month-old son Haydn at a one-bedroom property in Oldfield, Little Milton. Our son was born last year on December 16.

We have been bidding on two-bedroom properties for nearly a year now but seem to be getting no closer to getting one. The two-bedroom property next to us became available last Christmas, but we were told we were not able to bid on it, even though we are already in a property.

Last month, however, we were told that if a two-bedroom property becomes available in Oldfield we are now able to bid.

As both the two-bedroom properties in Oldfield have recently been filled, it could possibly be another 30 years before a two-bedroom property becomes available. South Oxford District Council seem to make up the rules as they go along.

We keep bidding on two-bedroom properties every two weeks, but we seem to get lower down the list.

My partner was told that, when our son is one-year-old, we will be a priority case but we do not really believe that.

Our son’s health is now being affected and we are both really worried about his future. He is trying to crawl now but basically has nowhere he can crawl in the house.

How is he ever going to learn to walk as the house is so over-crowded?

Finally, even though he is in a cotbed now, he is still in with us. He always wakes up early because he knows we are in the same room.

We are never going to be able to get him into a sleeping pattern.

It is putting a huge strain on our relationship.

I guess this a cry for help from parents who are passionate and want a future for their son.

Ian Stacey Oldfield Little Milton