ABOUT a hundred residents turned out to help a torched community centre rise from the ashes with the message: we will do it.

Dean Court Social Club in Pinnocks Lane, which is owned by residents, burnt down in a suspected arson attack in April. No-one was ever arrested.

Residents were just days away from receiving a grant to revamp the club when the attack happened.

Now the group is hoping to erect a £250,000 centre so Dean Court can have the “best facilities in Oxfordshire”.

Monday’s event at Fogwell Sports Ground, Eynsham Road, raised about £500 with events including a bouncy castle, barbecue, games, face painting and stalls.

Dean Court Community Centre Association secretary Jonny Kennedy, who organised the event, said: “We are very proactive and we are going to get the money.

“Our community needs something – it needs something for families, the elderly and the youth – and the club will give that. It is going to be something that will bless the community.”

He said the £200,000 insurance payout and possible donations from grant-giving bodies would cover the cost but they also are seeking public fundraising.

Association vice chairman Priscilla Waugh said: “I am fed up with people who think, ‘why should we do it, the council should do it’. People should work together to make something happen.”

The project would mean Dean Court “would have just the best set of facilities in Oxfordshire”.

Simon Shaw, 38, of Pinnocks Way, attended with his wife, Gaynor, 38, and children, Olivia, seven, Kirsten, five and Evelyn, two.

He said: “The new community centre would be great for the area, so I want to support it.

“It will be a place where different ages can gather, from young people to pensioners, and it will bring the community together.”

Mr Shaw, who witnessed the fire, said: “It was quite scary because it was quite a big fire, but I am glad that it has brought the best out of people.”

Olivia said it had been sad to see the centre in flames, adding: “I am looking forward to it opening again.”