THE rooftop gig – beloved of The Beatles and U2 – is coming to Oxford to launch an October charity music festival.

We Aeronauts, The Old Grinding Young and the Dan Hutchins band will take to the summit of Said Business School in Frideswide Square on September 14 for the first event of its kind there.

The acoustic show is to launch the Oxjam Oxford Takeover, an October programme of shows across UK venues, including Oxford.

Though city bands have held shows for previous Oxjam festivals, this year is the first time the charity will take over unique venues for gigs.

Events will include traditional venues such as The Cellar in Frewins Court, but also arts venues such as the O3 Gallery at Oxford Castle, Modern Art Oxford and charities such as Oxford Hub at Turl Street Kitchen.

Oxjam’s Katie-Louise Herring said: “We have had takeovers for four years, but it’s the first time it’s been in Oxford.

“This ‘lounging on the roof’ event is going to be a build up gig and a bit of a fundraiser at the same time.”

Miss Herring added: “The venue looks absolutely amazing and the bands we have got are pretty awesome live. Really we want to get the Oxjam name out there and show what it represents.

“It’s all about the local scene, there’s a really good local music scene in Oxford and there are some really great venues, too.”

James Cunning, singer and accordion player for We Aeronauts, said: “It will be nice to play in a venue that doesn’t get used for music.

“It’s great to be involved in anything that’s for a good cause, and Oxjam embodies that in every single way.

“It’s a great charity and it’s great to be involved in something that’s such a big event for local musicians.”

The Said Business School holds lectures, plays and theatre in the roof-top amphitheatre, but this will be a new venture for the school, part of Oxford University.

Head of estate Mat Davies said: “We are delighted to welcome Oxjam and the local community to the Said Business School.”

Bands confirmed to take part at October’s events include Scholars, Nikki Loy, Gunning for Tamar, Matt Winkworth, the Half Rabbits and Quadrophobe. More will be announced in coming weeks.

The business school gig will start at 7pm. Tickets cost £5 and are available on the door or at Proceeds will go to Oxfam.