Testimony Films is producing a new documentary for Channel Five to honour the sacrifice of Britain’s Bomber Boys during the Second World War. Nearly 50 per cent of the Bomber Boys who flew in the war were killed in action – the greatest loss of life suffered by any of the Armed Forces.

However, despite helping to win the war, their role has been largely forgotten – worse still, the Bomber Boys have often been blamed for the destruction of cities like Dresden and Cologne. But, next year, a new monument is being unveiled, finally to honour the sacrifice they made.

We are very keen to hear from anyone who flew as part of a bomber crew during WWII. What was it like to fly in a heavily-laden bomber, knowing your chances of coming home were slim? How did it feel to be shot at by anti-aircraft guns and attacked by night fighters? What do you think Bomber Command achieved, and what do you think about the fact that the Bomber Boys have been overlooked?

If you, or someone you know, was involved with Bomber Command and have memories to share, please contact Rosie or Nick on 0117 925 8589, email rosie.bristowe@testimonyfilms.

com or nick.maddocks @testimonyfilms.com.

You can also write to Bomber Boys Appeal, Testimony Films, 12 Great George Street, Bristol, BS1 5RH.

Devika Raman, Great George Street, Bristol