Mary Cadogan, 33, one of the county’s youngest Poppy Organisers, took over co-ordinating Abingdon’s Poppy Appeal in 2007.

Last year, her team at Abingdon Royal British Legion raised £28,690.75 for the Poppy Appeal — the highest amount in it the town’s history.

Miss Cadogan was inspired to join the Royal British Legion (RBL) and throw her support behind the Poppy Appeal by her late grandfather, Major Michael Halliday, who served with the East Surrey Regiment.

Maj Halliday endured four years’ hard labour as a Prisoner of War on the Burma Railway after being captured by the Japanese in Singapore in 1942.

Miss Cadogan has a small team of poppy collectors and is particularly proud of her younger “conscripts”. She said: “The Sea and Army Cadets and Air Training Corps represent the younger generation of our community and their enthusiasm is incredible. They are out there in all weathers and are so proud to bring their tins back and see how much they have collected.

“But we need more help from people of all ages.”

Standing in the High Street in Abingdon selling poppies may not be every teenager’s dream, but the 27 members of Abingdon Sea Scout Unit have happily done this for the past two years.

The Unit’s Administrative Officer, Sue Hargreaves explained: “I think poppies are extremely important. The youngsters feel involved in something very important and they get very competitive about who sells the most each year.”