When Jean Scurlock was diagnosed with lung cancer on her birthday last year she was determined to help others even if she could not help herself.

The 66-year-old Didcot mum-of-three raised more than £1,750 for cancer charities and tested a new drug before she died last month after fighting the disease since October.

Her daughter Emily Applegate, who is manager of the Cancer Research UK charity shop in Didcot, last night paid tribute to her mum’s bravery.

She said: “My mum was an extremely determined woman, and while she knew the cancer would get her eventually, she ensured she made the most out of every moment she had left.

“Her death has left a hole in our lives, and in the life of my shop, which she volunteered in for more than two years.”

Ms Scurlock, who lived in Didcot for 10 years, raised more than £1,000 when she had her head shaved in November before she lost her hair to chemotherapy.

The former fitness instructor became too weak to run the Race for Life in Southampton on July 10 so her family pushed her around the 5k course in a wheelchair and raised about £750.

Mrs Applegate said: “She was positive right until the end and very determined.”

Mrs Applegate and other family members are taking part in Shine 2011, a 26.2 mile night-walk for Cancer Research UK.

She added: “Nothing I can do will bring her back, but hopefully raising money through my shop, and with Shine, I may be able to help someone else not have to go through the pain we are all experiencing, and the suffering mum went through.”

Ms Scurlock died at Sobell House in Oxford on Sunday July 31, and her funeral took place at Reading Crematorium on August 8.

She asked for donations to be split between Cancer Research UK and Mission Aviation Fellowship and to date more than £1,000 has been collected.