Neighbours on an Oxford Street have “had enough” after months of disruption from a nearby supermarket.

The Sainsbury’s store at the Heyford Hill roundabout in Littlemore is undergoing a multi-million pound revamp.

The work also includes extensive work to transform the roundabout, but neighbours say they have been blighted by noise, mess and sleepless nights.

Nigel Mossop, 47, from Gwyneth Road, said: “We’ve had so many sleepless nights. It’s been going on ever since they started.

“We’ve all had enough. Someone must be complaining in there every day now.”

Work began on the roundabout in April and is expected to last until October.

Residents have now sent a petition to the supermarket’s head office, signed by dozens of neighbours.

Mr Mossop, a former maintenance worker, is currently off work with depression and said the noise was “making things worse”.

He said: “I’m only getting about three or four hours’ sleep a night and my wife works 12- hour shifts.

“Three nights on the trot now there has been a forklift driving across the car park and unloading from 2am. It wakes us up every night.

“And last week they had a big mobile crane there from 9pm and were fixing the steel onto the building throughout the night.”

“Before they started they said they would be working from eight in the morning until six at night.”

Fellow neighbour Sue Taylor said: “I have come to the end of my tether with it, all the noise at night.

“We haven’t been able to sit out in the garden and we can’t open the windows because of the noise and the dust.

“Our summer has been and gone and we haven’t been able to sit outside.”

Sainsbury’s said work inside the store had to take place at night to minimise disruption to shoppers during opening hours.

And drainage work on the roundabout, which finished a few months ago, could not be completed in the gap between the morning and evening rush hours.

Sainsbury’s spokesman William Wood said: “Our contractors are aware of the need to ensure that any noise associated with works to extend the store is kept to an absolute minimum at all times.

“We are therefore taking these issues very seriously and are working with our contractors to address them.”