A survey has shown the vast majority of people in Oxford have a ‘water conscience’.

The survey carried out by Thames Water has shown that 97 per cent of city inhabitants feel guilty about wasting water.

But one in five Oxford inhabitants admitted to leaving the tap running while washing their teeth, which wastes 4,680 litres of water per person each year on average. The survey also revealed 84.6 per cent of the people of Oxford consciously try to save water at home and 14.3 per cent of Oxford’s women leave the shower running when shaving their legs.

Richard Aylard, director of sustainability at Thames Water, said: “It may seem like it’s always raining, but we’ve had below average rainfall across our region for nine of the past 12 months, while drought has been declared in other parts of the UK. Come rain of shine water should never be wasted.”

Thames Water are launching an online solution to wastage – Waterwisely, an online water-efficient town.

The website, which can be accessed at thameswater.co.uk/waterwisely, will help consumers calculate their water usage and get tips for saving water.