A man grabbed a teenage girl in Banbury after making inappropriate comments to her, police said.

The 14-year-old was walking along Broad Street at about 3.30pm on Friday when she was stopped by a man in a white tipper style van.

Thames Valley Police said he asked her for directions, at the junction of Newlands Road and Gatteridge Street.

A statement said: “He told her she was ‘gorgeous’. He asked her age and when she replied 14, he said ‘a bit young’ and asked her if she wanted to earn £50. When the victim asked how, he said ‘some fun’.

“As the girl tried to walk away, he grabbed her arm before she pulled away and ran off.”

Police said the van had a silver pick-up section with cones and ladders in the back. The suspect is described as white, stocky, in his late 30s or early 40s with short ginger scruffy hair, a square face, clean shaven, with “funny” bottom teeth.

He was wearing a pale blue T-shirt with a high visibility vest over it.

Pc Kelly Gilbert said: “The girl was not physically hurt when she was grabbed, but was left very shaken and upset.

“It is completely unacceptable for a grown man to treat a young girl in this way and I am keen to trace the man responsible.

“I would urge anyone who recognises the man or the van to contact police.”

Call the force 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.